SafetyNET Subscription Statement of Understanding

By entering my personal information, I consent to receive email communications from SafetyNet LLC based on the information collected.

I hereby acknowledge that I alone am responsible for the actions of accessing my TSP retirement account website and responsible in my decision to implement changes if I decide to follow SafetyNET Alerts for my TSP retirement account.

I agree to the following statements and by entering my initials I signify my agreement. I understand my subscription cannot be completed without this agreement.

  1. I acknowledge that I am responsible for making all investment decisions related to any portfolios I manage using SafetyNET. I further acknowledge that SafetyNET LLC does not bear any responsibility for the investment decisions that I make using SafetyNET Newsletter Notifications.
  2. I acknowledge that I am responsible for implementing all transactions that may result from decisions that I make related to my TSP account using SafetyNET Newsletter Notifications.
  3. I acknowledge that I will update my contact information, specifically including my email address and credit card information, promptly at the time any changes are made. SafetyNET LLC is not responsible for any losses that may occur due to information that is not received by me because my contact information has changed.
  4. I agree to hold SafetyNET LLC and any other representative of SafetyNET LLC harmless in the event of a data error used in the calculation of SafetyNET – including any damages that may occur directly or indirectly as a result of inaccurate data. I acknowledge that data used in preparing SafetyNET notification reports cannot always be verified even though it is from sources that are believed to be reliable.
  5. SafetyNet Newsletter does not issue individual investment advice. SafetyNet Newsletter publications are prepared for informational and educational purposes only. I understand that the risk tolerance questionnaire provided by SafetyNET LLC is not meant to replace or substitute a formal risk assessment from my own qualified financial advisor but is provided for my convenience. The risk tolerance questionnaire is used as a guide based on Morningstar risk questions. I understand that by agreeing to the terms and conditions of this subscriber statement I am willingly and knowingly assuming full responsibility for both the choice of my risk tolerance group and for any changes I make in choosing a risk tolerance group different from the group determined by my risk tolerance score
  6. I understand that I am responsible for implementation of SafetyNET Alerts. I am choosing the SafetyNET Alert Newsletter for my TSP retirement account which I control through my workplace. I understand I am responsible for implementation of any changes in my TSP account.

Disclaimer Information

By subscribing to the SafetyNet Newsletter, you are agreeing to the following legal disclaimer:


SafetyNet Newsletter, published by SAFETY NET LLC, is a private information service and has no association in any official way with the U.S. Federal government or any of its websites. The Thrift Savings Board has not endorsed our services. SAFETY NET LLC is neither a registered Investment Advisor nor a Broker/Dealer. We cannot tender individual investment advice since we offer a general financial newsletter. We encourage our subscribers to consult with their own independent financial advisors with respect to any investment as all information contained in this report and website should be independently verified. SAFETY NET LLC, shall have no liability whatsoever for any claim, damages, loss or expense arising out of, or in connection with, the reliance by you on the contents of the SafetyNet Newsletter, our web site or any update.

We offer the SafetyNet Newsletter for informational and educational purposes only. Nothing in or about the SafetyNet Newsletter should be considered a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any particular security. As stated previously, we do not provide individual investment advice or manage personal accounts. Results and opinions are based on extensive strategic experience, and data believed reliable, however, SAFETY NET LLC, makes no warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, appropriateness or usefulness of any information, product, or process described or depicted in its documents and publication material. In addition, we are not obligated to update such opinions, analysis or information.

We cannot guarantee that future investment results will be profitable. Since SafetyNet Newsletter provides general advice and does not manage actual investment accounts or assets, performance results are only hypothetical. No representation is being made that any account will, or is likely to, achieve profits or losses similar to those referenced in the SafetyNet Newsletter. As a safety factor, all SafetyNet Newsletter portfolio performance metrics include the assumption of a two day delay from date of notice to the assumptive date of implementation. SAFETY NET LLC, employees make no representations or guarantees and are not licensed brokers, analysts, or registered investment advisors.

SafetyNet Newsletter subscribers will be sent email alerts when portfolio allocation changes are recommended. However, because of the inherent unreliability of email protocol itself, the blocking of third party sending servers and the performance of local email filters, SafetyNet Newsletter cannot, and will not, be held liable for the successful delivery of email alerts. SafetyNet Newsletter is willing to add one or more alternate email addresses for current subscribers upon specific request sent to [email protected]. While additional email addresses increases the likelihood of receiving emails from SafetyNet Newsletter, it still does not guarantee receipt, and SafetyNet Newsletter cannot, and will not, be held liable for email delivery even in cases where multiple email addresses are in use by the same subscriber.

SAFETY NET LLC may periodically send targeted email promotions to individuals who can be reasonably expected to have a TSP account. Such individuals will either be current or retired Federal civilian or military employees. The information contained in the SafetyNet Newsletter targeted email promotions can be of important value to holders of TSP accounts, but if you request to be removed from future SafetyNet Newsletter distributions of this type, simply send an email message stating your request to [email protected]. Please be sure to send from the email address you want removed from any targeted email promotions. SafetyNet Newsletter will accommodate your request within 10 business days.

Subscription Conditions and Policy

By providing your credit card information to SAFETY NET LLC, you agree that the appropriate subscription charges will be billed to your credit card for the pricing plan you have chosen. As a convenience to subscribers, to assure continuous service and to control costs for everyone, all SafetyNet Newsletter subscriptions are automatically renewed for the same subscription period as the expiring subscription. All automatic renewals are made at the then current subscription fee which may be more or less than the original subscription fee. This is a common practice within the financial newsletter industry. You need not take any action to continue your subscription. To cancel any recurring subscriptions send an email to [email protected]. The subscription period billing cycle begins on the service purchase date.

SafetyNet Newsletter contracts out all payment operations to third party vendors such as PayPal and Practice Pay Solutions. Most outsourced vendors will notify subscribers via email in advance of a recurring billing date. Such email notifications are sent as a courtesy to the subscriber, and are the responsibility of the particular payment vendor and specifically not the responsibility of SafetyNet Newsletter nor SAFETY NET LLC. If you have been auto-renewed for another subscription period and want to either extend or cancel your subscription, email your request to [email protected].

Subscriptions should be cancelled before scheduled renewal dates to avoid incurring future credit card charges by sending an email request to [email protected] in advance of the subscription renewal date.

Annual subscriptions can be cancelled at any time but will not be provided refunds. When an online cancellation request is received, a subscriber’s account can either be immediately terminated and no subsequent charges will be made to the subscriber\’s credit card or the subscription will continue until the end of the subscription term. When an online cancellation request is received, a subscriber’s account will be immediately terminated and no subsequent charges will be made to the subscriber’s credit card.

SAFETY NET LLC has a zero tolerance policy for fraudulent chargebacks. Anytime a chargeback considered fraudulent is received from our merchant bank or payment processor, SAFETY NET LLC reserves the right to immediately suspend the account in question until the chargeback request has been formally and completely resolved between SAFETY NET LLC and the merchant service authority. SAFETY NET LLC reserves the right to cancel any subscription at any time for any reason without financial consequence to itself. Future subscriptions will not be accepted from any subscriber who has previously created a chargeback.

By subscribing, renewing a subscription or allowing a subscription to be auto-renewed, the subscriber acknowledges and agrees to all of the above terms and conditions.

Subscriber Statement

Reproduction, distribution or transmission of any information obtained in the SafetyNet Newsletter is strictly prohibited, except with prior written permission from SafetyNet Newsletter. Subscriber agrees not to use or permit anyone to use the information provided through the SafetyNet Newsletter for any unlawful or unauthorized purpose. Subscriber represents and warrants to SafetyNet Newsletter that all statements made by Subscriber in using SafetyNet Newsletter service are true, accurate and correct and that Subscriber has the authority to make such statements.

Subscriber shall pay SafetyNet Newsletter all fees incurred in accordance with SafetyNet Newsletter billing terms. Subscriber agrees to pay all costs incurred by SafetyNet Newsletter in collecting overdue fees from the subscriber.

Copyright and Duplicates

All of the information in the SafetyNet Newsletter website and in SafetyNet Newsletter documents or publication materials is the express copyright of SAFETY NET LLC, and may not be reproduced under any circumstances without the express prior written permission of SAFETY NET LLC. Any unauthorized reproduction of the information on this web site, including but not limited to forwarding emails written by SafetyNet Newsletter and any sharing of usernames and passwords, will constitute a breach of this copyright agreement, which will result in the immediate termination of the user’s subscription with no refund provided. Any direct violation of copyright law will be prosecuted by SAFETY NET LLC, to the fullest extent of the law.

SafetyNet Newsletter is a registered trademark.

Since SAFETY NET LLC does not permit the sharing of any of its published materials between subscribers and non-subscribers, many subscribers may choose to create one or more duplicate subscriptions under the same or similar name and/or email address for sharing with family members or fellow employees. The tracking of any such duplicates created is the responsibility of each individual subscriber. Unless SAFETY NET LLC is notified in writing of the existence of an unwanted duplicate within the first 30 days of a subscription, any such duplicate will be assumed to be purposely created and will remain the financial responsibility of the subscriber.

SafetyNet Newsletter reserves the right to terminate subscriptions or modify these Disclaimer and Disclosure Notices for any reason whatsoever without prior notification and without financial consequence to itself. This Agreement supersedes all other agreements and understandings regarding this subject matter and is governed by Hawaii and United States law without regard to conflict of laws or provisions thereof.

External Links

The SafetyNet Newsletter website contains links to other websites. These links include information developed, published, maintained, or otherwise posted by entities which may or may not be entirely separate from and unrelated to SAFETY NET LLC. SafetyNet Newsletter does not sanction, approve, control, attest to the veracity of, or endorse materials on these external websites. SafetyNet Newsletter neither warranties nor assumes responsibility for the truthfulness, fullness, value, or timeliness, of content found at these sites. Use of any information obtained from these external locations is voluntary, and reliance on it should only be undertaken after an independent review of its accuracy, completeness, efficacy, and timeliness. Reference therein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, service mark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by SAFETY NET LLC or SafetyNet Newsletter.

Privacy Notice

SafetyNet Newsletter has absolutely no interest in acquiring your personal investment information or gaining access to your personal account(s). That is entirely your private matter. SafetyNet Newsletter simply provides you with its current fund allocation recommendations for your chosen investment universe which you can then use to make allocation changes yourself by visiting your own account site page.

If you visit our site to read or download information, we collect and store only the following information about you: the name of the domain from which you access the Internet; the date and time you access our site; the Internet address of the web site from which you linked directly to our site. We will not obtain personally identifying information about you when you visit our site, unless you voluntarily choose to provide such information to us. SAFETYNET LLC, does not give, sell or transfer personal information to third parties with the exception of our customer relation manager, Infusionsoft, unless under subpoena.

For site management, some limited information is collected for statistical purposes. Computer software programs are used to create summary statistics about visits to the SafetyNet Newsletter website which are used for such purposes as assessing what information is of most and least interest, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas.

SafetyNet Newsletter is a commercial service not associated in any way with the U.S. Federal government or any of its agencies. SafetyNet Newsletter does not issue individual investment advice. SafetyNet Newsletter publications are prepared for informational and educational purposes only. Past stated hypothetical performance is not an indication of future performance.
Your Privacy is also covered by our customer relation management service Privacy Policy, Infusionsoft. This can be accessed by clicking this link Infusionsoft Legal Policies