TSP SafetyNet

Are we now experiencing a repeat of 2008?
Many who “bought and held” ultimately made up their losses but it took an amazing 5 year bull market run just to make it back. Looking back, wouldn’t it have been better to have gotten out near the top and waited until we hit bottom then get back in to use those 5 wonderful years to make big gains instead of making up for big losses?

Sign up today for this special lifetime discount

We put together a team of top experts to help those who were devastated by the 2008 recession and to help you to prevent big losses when the market drops. Our group of highly respected experts work together to give you the very best recommendations on allocating your TSP. You are invited to go to tspsafetynet.com to learn more about our team of experts and how we can help you.


Several of the many ways our service is unmatched


  • Our allocation recommendations are based on a sophisticated award-winning market predictive model that has been adapted for the TSP exclusively for us by the developer who is a member of our team.
  • Our team includes one of the most respected experts in federal employee benefits and TSP. You have probably either attended one of his seminars or read one of his books on TSP and retirement planning. Another member has over 20 years of experience in financial planning and federal benefits. You can go to tspsafetynet.com to learn more about our entire team dedicated to your financial security.
  • Our allocation recommendations are modified by five different risk tolerance categories. Other TSP newsletters use fewer or even not at all. We use five so that we can “fine tune” our allocations to your specific situation.
  • In addition to a weekly newsletter that includes any changes, our readers have access to their TSP recommendations at any time through any mobile device that is connected to the internet including a smartphone. This cloud access insures optimum convenient access to your current recommendation.
  • Our readers have access to our world-class experts to ask questions about their own particular situation or problem. Just this alone is worth the price of the subscription.
  • Our customer service is uniquely dedicated to your needs and concerns. Our excellent reader satisfaction is reflected by the number of testimonials we receive from our readers.


Our service may not be right for you


Our newsletter is not for everyone and we do not want you to become a subscriber if this is not a good fit for you. So go ahead and ask yourself these 3 questions.

  • Am I a federal employee with a TSP account?
  • Is this savings important to me and do I depend on it to grow for my retirement?
  • Am I willing to make the periodic recommended changes to my account?

If you answered “YES” to these questions then our newsletter is right for you. We invite you to tspsafetynet.com to learn more about the panel of experts we have put together and how the system works.

Become a member and save money…risk free


We are giving you the opportunity to give us a try for 45 days and if you decide that you won’t benefit ten times over the cost of the membership, then just let us know and we won’t charge you…no questions asked. Now the great part is if you join now then the price is $89.99 instead of the usual fee of $149.99 if you signed up through our website. Also this discounted price is good for as long as you want with an uninterrupted subscription.

Give us a try and get the expert help you need to properly manage your TSP.